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Heat Pumps in 2023: What, How & Why? + Pros And Cons


How Does a Heat Pump Work and Why Use Them?


Heat pumps work by pumping or moving heat from one place to another by using a compressor and a circulating structure of liquid or gas refrigerant, through which heat is extracted from outside sources (such as the heat of the soil in the garden or the outdoor air) and transferred to your house. 


As a result of this, heat pumps require much less electricity, as opposed to electric boilers, and can often achieve a 300-400% efficiency rate. As the amount of heat energy produced is markedly higher than the energy consumed.


Heat pumps come with multiple advantages for your home. And besides heating your house, during the summers, the cycle can be reversed and the unit acts like an air conditioner.


The International Energy Agency, in their latest special report, stresses that no new gas boilers should be sold after 2025 if Net Zero targets are to be achieved by 2050. With an expected 19 million heat pump installations in new homes by 2050, their role in reducing the UK’s carbon emissions at a domestic and national level has drastically increased.


According to estimates from the European Heat Pump Association, there were 43,000 heat pump sales in the UK in 2021, an increase of around 6,100 units from the previous year. In 2022, it is expected that installations will only increase. Through the introduction of the heat and buildings strategy and the 0% VAT on energy efficient measures, the government aims to increase heat pump installations to 600,000 per year till 2028.


Ready to take the first step towards an environmentally friendly and cost-effective heating system? By simply clicking the button below, we’ll provide you with up to 3 free quotes from qualified installers available in your area. This way you don’t have to waste hours of your time researching and you can objectively compare quotes side by side. What’s more, you’re under absolutely no obligation to accept any of the offers.



How Much Do Heat Pumps Cost?


Heat pump prices are usually high, especially when taking into account the installation of the heat pump, however the costs will vary for different heat pumps. The typical price range for a complete installation is between £5,000 and £45,000, to which the running costs have to be considered.


Air to water heat pump costs usually start from £5,000 and go up to £18,000, while ground source heat pump costs are typically between £13,000 to £35,000 but can reach up to £45,000. The running costs of heat pumps depend on your household, its insulation properties and size.


The running costs of ground source heat pumps are usually lower compared to both air source heat pumps and traditional boilers. This is because ground source heat pumps are more efficient, with their Coefficient of Performance (CoP) ranging from 3.5 to 4.5, while for air source heat pumps the CoP ranges from 2.5 to 3.5 (the higher the CoP, the more efficient the system).


As mentioned previously, the efficiency ratings of both types of heat pumps are much higher than boilers’, meaning you could save a lot on your energy bills. For instance, if you change from electric heating to a heat pump you could annually save more than £500.


Are Heat Pumps Worth the Investment?


Heat pumps’ advantages clearly indicate that they represent a smart investment in the long run. Given that you can save on your energy bills (as the mechanism behind the heat pump simply moves the heat from one space to another rather than producing it) and that the government can provide you with financial support, heat pumps are absolutely worth it.


With the new heat and buildings strategy coming up, it is expected to further increase the installations of various heat pumps as a low carbon heating solution.


And, depending on your current situation, the repayment time can be drastically shorter than the lifespan. Making it a very worthy investment. You might regard the large upfront costs, but simultaneously you also need to see the bigger picture. Solar applications plus heat pumps can help you on the path to zero net energy.


Even though the consensus is that heat pumps are a good investment, this doesn’t mean that you should overpay on the upfront costs. We can help you ensure that you’re getting the best possible deal on your heat pump’s installation, as well as save you hours of your time trying to find reliable installers.


Simply click the button below and we’ll provide you with up to 3 free quotes from qualified installers in your area. You’re under no obligation to accept any of the offers, so you don’t need to worry about making a commitment until you’re ready.



What Are the Pros and Cons of Heat Pumps?


Prior to your purchasing decision of a heat pump system, it is important to inform yourself about heat pumps’ pros and cons. There are a multitude of heat pump advantages, which make them a great investment for the homeowner. But there are simultaneously concerns that have to be regarded.


We will take a look at these advantages and disadvantages in detail below, to help you make an informed decision and make a wise investment towards this low carbon heating technology.


7 Heat Pump Advantages


Heat pumps can be a fantastic choice for your home in many ways. Listed below are some of the advantages you can get by installing a heat pump.


1. Lower Running Costs


Heat pumps are cheaper to run than systems based on combustion. The more energy efficient the systems are, the greater the long-term savings on energy. Despite the fact that the prices of ground source heat pumps can go all the way up to £45,000, this environmentally friendly investment can help you save up to £1,400 per year. 


2. Less Maintenance


Heat pumps require less maintenance than combustion heating systems. Certain aspects of the heat pump will need to be checked about once a year, but this can easily be done by yourself. A professional installer will only have to check the heat pump every 3 or 5 years.


3. Better Safety


Heat pumps are safe to operate in general and also considered to be safer than combustion-based heating systems. This is because they rely on electricity and do not need to burn fuel to generate heat.


4. Reduces Carbon Emissions


A heat pump system reduces your carbon emissions and has an efficient energy-to-heat conversion rate. For example, water source heat pumps can reach impressive efficiency levels close to 600%.


5. Provides Cooling


When the weather gets warmer, heat pumps are able to reverse their heating process and  act like an air-conditioning unit. Air to air heat pumps can conveniently be switched to a cooling mode during the summers.


6. Long Life-Span


The average life-span of a heat pump is about 15 years, and some can even function efficiently for more than 20 years. They are exceptionally reliable and a steady source of heat.


7. Eligible for Boiler Upgrade Scheme


The UK government introduced the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) to encourage homeowners in England and Wales to install low carbon heating systems, such as heat pumps and biomass boilers. Applications were opened in spring 2022 and the scheme is planned to last for 3 years.


For those who meet the eligibility criteria, you could potentially receive up to £5,000 for an air source heat pump or £6,000 for a ground source heat pump to help you with the initial costs.


7 Heat Pump Disadvantages


Heat pumps are one of the most efficient home heating solutions available. However, there are some drawbacks to weigh in when choosing a heat pump.


1. High Upfront Cost


Heat pumps have a large upfront cost, but on the other hand, their operating costs translate to long-term savings on energy bills and lead to a path of reduced carbon emissions.


2. Difficult to Install


Heat pumps are fairly difficult to install considering there needs to be thorough planning and research in order to understand the movement of heat, local geology (specifically for ground source heat pumps), and the heating and cooling requirements for your household.


3. Questionable Sustainability


Some of the used fluids for heat transfer are of questionable sustainability and thus raise environmental concerns. Therefore, it is recommended to use biodegradable fluids.


4. Requires Significant Work


The installation process for a heat pump requires significant work and disruption to your house and garden. A pertinent example would be that penetrations have to be made through the building cladding.


5. Issues in Cold Weather


Air source heat pumps can experience issues such as icing in cold temperatures, which can ultimately damage the system. Although modern heat pumps do often have automatic defrosting.


Their efficiency will also be lower at very cold temperatures, and use more electricity during those cold days. Ground source heat pumps, on the other hand, are much more resistant to cold temperatures.


Always check the Seasonal Performance Factor (SPF) of your heat pump.


6. Not Entirely Carbon Neutral


Heat pumps rely on electricity to operate. Even when not accounting for their production, their carbon footprint will be dependent on how the electricity they use is produced.


With that being said, in comparison to other heating systems, such as an electric boiler, they use much less electricity and extract heat energy from the environment instead.


In either case, if you wish to be carbon neutral, then you should consider renewable energy sources for your home, such as solar.


7. Planning Permission Required


Special planning permissions are required in Wales and Northern Ireland, whilst in England and Scotland, it depends on your location and the size of your property.


What Are the Different Types of Heat Pumps?


There are various types of heat pumps depending on the source of the heat and the use of that heat in your home. While all types of heat pumps are worth the investment in the UK, your choice depends on two things:

  1. Whether you want the heat to be extracted from the soil (which requires digging up your garden for laying pipes underneath), from the ambient air (which requires little space but a fan will constantly emit a low amount of noise), or from a body of water (if you have this available close to your house).
  2. Whether you want the heat to be used for domestic hot water and conventional heating using radiators or underfloor heating, or you prefer heating the home by ventilating with heated air (similarly to how an air conditioner would cool the room).

When the heat source is the soil, we talk about ground source heat pumps. Similarly, the ones using the ambient air or a body of water are called air source and water source heat pumps, respectively. These umbrella terms can then be broken down based on the application. On top of that, other aspects like the heat pump supplier, the size of your garden, and your budget also influence what type of system is the most suitable for your profile: air source, ground source, or water source.


Read more about the specific heat pump types below:


Ground source or geothermal heat pumps are, in most cases, used for heating water. With the help of additional system elements, it is possible to use heated air ventilation with geothermal systems, but it is far more common to use it for conventional radiators and underfloor heating.


Both air source and water source heat pumps can be used for heating water as well as indoor air in your home.


When used for heating water, we refer to air-to-water heat pumps and water-to-water heat pumps. Water source, air-heating systems are called liquid-to-air heat pumps which are a type of speciality product.


Hot air ventilation is usually provided by air-to-air heat pumps. The latter can also be reversed and used for cooling your home without any additional equipment.




Interested in heat pump installation? The best way to find the heat pump system that suits your home’s unique specifications is to consult a professional heating engineer who can assess your needs and then offer quotes for their services. 


However, finding installers who you can trust and who will offer fair and accurate quotes, can take considerable time and effort. To truly locate the best deals for new heat pump installations you will need to spend hours calling multiple installers, ensuring they’re properly certified, explaining your heating situation, and asking for quotes. 


At GreenMatch, we can save you this extra time and money by directly connecting you with licensed installers from our network, all of them vetted by us. All you have to do is spend a few minutes filling in our quick and easy form and within 48 hours, you’ll hear from up to 3 local heat pump installers.



What Is a Ground Source Heat Pump?


There are a variety of ground source heat pump systems (GSHP). GSHPs can be sub-categorised into vertical and horizontal systems, and open- and closed-loop systems. The different choices affect the prices of ground source heat pumps


The video below explains how a ground source heat pump works:


Open-Loop Systems


Despite being called a ground source heat pump, open-loop systems pump up groundwater from deep underneath the soil, then after extracting the heat from it, the water is pumped back. Such a system has higher running costs, as you need to make sure the water is unaffected and need to comply with regulations of using such natural water sources.


Closed-Loop Systems


Closed-loop ground source heat pump systems are far more common in the UK. These systems circulate an antifreeze liquid through a closed plastic polymer tubing that is buried in the soil.

  • Vertical ground source heat pump systems: Such a system requires a hole to be drilled into the ground, normally at a depth of 50–150 metres. At greater depths, the temperature increases, warming the anti-freeze liquid. This liquid then comes back through an exit hole, where it then heats up the refrigerant that stays in the house within a second system. The system’s main disadvantage is its high initial investment.
  • Horizontal ground source heat pump systems: This type of GSHP is less costly than a vertical system, as it is less complex. To install a horizontal geothermal system, the ground has to be dug out just below the frost line. Then, coiled pipes are laid down into the ground, creating spirals. A liquid is sent through the system which heats up the refrigerant in the second pipe system. Although more affordable, this system requires more garden space and is affected by seasonal changes due to the lower depths of the system’s installation.

Radial or Directional Drilling


A radial or directionally drilled system is a great option when the property cannot be reshaped. With this GSHP system, small holes are drilled into the ground at an angle in order to insert the pipes. Radial or directional drilling enables you to install a GSHP system without needing to demolish gardens, yards, buildings, etc. The cost of the system lies somewhere in between the vertical and horizontal systems.


What Is an Air Source Heat Pump?


Air source heat pumps (ASHP) use the principles of vapour compression to generate heat. It’s a popular low-carbon heating system, and there are many benefits to using air source heat pumps.


They use outdoor air to heat your home. ASHPs consist of 4 major elements that allow the refrigerant to pass from the liquid form to gas: a compressor, a condenser, an expansion valve, and an evaporator.


When the refrigerant passes through the system, it absorbs the heat from the outside air. Then, the compressor increases the heat by increasing the pressure. In the condenser, this higher temperature heat is transferred to the heating and hot-water circuits of your home.


After that, the medium-temperature liquid flows into the expansion valve where upon the release of pressure, its temperature also drops. Finally, the now cooled down liquid is returned to absorb more heat from the air and repeat the process.


ASHPs can be used for heating water for domestic use, radiators, and underfloor heating. Such systems are called air-to-water heat pumps (A2W). If suddenly a large amount of hot water is needed, they are also equipped with an electrical resistance heating element that would supply additional heated water (at a lower efficiency rate, though).


Alternatively, air source systems can be used for heating and cooling the indoor air using air-to-air heat pumps (A2A). These work similarly to an air conditioning unit but can both heat and cool the house efficiently, adding to the list of benefits of air-to-air systems.


Factors to Consider to See if a Heat Pump is the Right Solution for You


What Government Incentive Schemes Are Available in 2023?


The UK government provides various heat pump grants to support the installation of sustainable heating systems. One of the most widely known is the Boiler Upgrade Scheme, introduced in April 2022, which offers the following:

  • £5,000 off the supply and installation of an air source heat pump
  • £6,000 off the supply and installation of a ground source heat pump
  • £5,000 off the supply and installation of a biomass boiler 

This grant is available for homeowners in England and Wales. There are also Scotland-specific grants, such as the Home Energy Scotland Loan and the Warmer Homes Fund.


Those residing in Wales can also make use of the Arbed am Byth Scheme (Warm Homes Scheme).


The Boiler Upgrade Scheme follows a report from 2021 from the International Energy Agency that stresses that no new gas boilers should be sold after 2025 if Net Zero targets need to be achieved by 2050. The government has announced an eventual phase out of new gas boiler installations by 2035, meaning that heat pumps are likely to become a mainstay in home heating in the UK, as a highly efficient, low-carbon alternative.




Warranty Periods of Heat Pumps


Heat pump systems normally have a warranty of 2 to 3 years but extended warranty can also be purchased. For example, a warranty for the workmanship of the system usually lasts for about 10 years. The so-called Quality Assured National Warranties also provides different kinds of protection. Moreover, producers and installers may additionally offer various kinds of auxiliary warranties.


Maintenance of Heat Pumps


A heat pump’s lifespan is approximately 15 years or more. With proper maintenance, their life can be extended to up to 50 years.


They do require regular maintenance: yearly checks are recommended, and a professional installer needs to pay the system a look every 3 to 5 years. In the wintertime, you may also need to defrost the heat pump manually.


After the check-up, the installer should leave written details of the system’s condition and any indications for possible future issues.


According to the Ground Source Heat Pump Association, maintenance requirements are quite low, as there is no need for crucial safety checks. Usual parts to inspect before starting the system are the pump itself, the external pipes, as well as the electronics and parts of the fittings.


Find the Best Suppliers of Heat Pumps in the UK


Heat pumps, whether ground source, air source, or water source, represent excellent opportunities for upgrading your home, as they not only provide you with a solid return on investment but they also improve the quality and value of your home.


Finding fair and accurate installation quotes takes careful planning and research. You could risk overpaying for supply and installation from a company that operates nationwide. Why not let GreenMatch take the hassle out of sourcing quotes and directly connect you with up to 3 licensed installers instead?


Simply fill in our quick easy form, and our team will find the best installers for your home’s unique specifications. In 48 hours, you will hear from up to 3 locally based installers, saving time from searching for and researching installers yourself. 


Comparing multiple local quotes guarantees the best deal since local installers will likely charge less for the supply and delivery, amounting to less overall installation costs. What’s more, with multiple quotes, you can objectively compare them to locate and lock in the best deal.



Frequently Asked Questions

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This is needed to confirm your enquiry and to connect you with the right installers.

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  3. Be prepared to receive a phone call from Greenmatch to confirm your information
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  5. Based on your information, we will match you with relevant suppliers who will contact you directly with their respective quotes.
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If you want to speed up the process, you can call us at 0330 818 7480
\n(Opening hours: Sunday- Friday 9:00-20:00, Saturday 09:00-17:00.)


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\"SolarSolar panels \"Doors\"Doors \"Windows\"Windows
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Attila is the UX Manager at GreenMatch. He holds a degree in international business with four years of coordination experience in marketing, user experience, and content creation. Attila likes to write about solar energy, heating technology, environmental protection, and sustainability. His and his team’s articles appeared in well-known sites such as The Conversation, Earth911, EcoWatch, and Gizmodo.

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Valli is a content writer at GreenMatch since 2017. She has been writing well researched articles about renewable energy, sustainability and green technologies. She has experience and knowledge about renewable energy products and stays on top of green energy trends. With over 5 years of expertise in the field, her work has been published in various media such as Entrepreneur, Business Insider, Canadian Geographic, uSwitch , and eCycle. The UK government sites have also made use of her work within their publications.


Valli is a content writer at GreenMatch since 2017. She has been writing well researched articles about renewable energy, sustainability and green technologies. She has experience and knowledge about renewable energy products and stays on top of green energy trends. With over 5 years of expertise in the field, her work has been published in various media such as Entrepreneur, Business Insider, Canadian Geographic, uSwitch , and eCycle. The UK government sites have also made use of her work within their publications.

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作为一个结果,my188金宝博热泵需要更少的电力,而不是电锅炉,可以经常达到300 - 400%的效率。作为能源生产的热量明显高于能源消耗。





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地源热泵的运行成本通常低于两my188金宝博1188betasia 和传统的锅炉。这是因为地源热泵更有效,与他们的性能系数(CoP)从3.5到my188金宝博4.5,而对空气源热泵警察范围从2.5到3.5(警察越高,更高效的系统)。








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  • 财务付款可用
  • 每年节省高达£1100






Advantadgaes Disadvantadges热泵。my188金宝博























my188金宝博热泵是相当困难的安装考虑需要全面的规划和研究为了了解热的运动,当地地质(专门为118金宝搏 ),加热和冷却要求你的家庭。

















  1. 是否你想要的热量从土壤中提取(需要铺设管道下面挖你的花园),从环境空气(这需要小空间,但粉丝会不断发出低数量的噪音),或从水体(如果你有这个可以接近你的房子)。
  2. 是否你想要的热量用于生活热水和常规加热使用散热器或地板下供暖,或者你更喜欢与热空气加热,通风(类似于空调如何冷却室)。











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  • 财务付款可用
  • 每年节省高达£1100











  • 垂直地源热泵系统:这样一个系统需要一个洞中钻出地面,一般在50 - 150米的深度。在更大的深度,温度增加,变暖的防冻液。这种液体通过退出洞,然后回来,然后加热制冷剂呆在房子另一个系统中。系统的主要缺点是其高初始投资。
  • 水平地源热泵系统:这种类型的GSHP比垂直系统,成本更低,因为它是不那么复杂。安装水平地热系统,地面必须挖出冰冻线以下。然后,盘管躺在地上,形成螺旋。通过系统发送液体加热制冷剂在第二管系统。虽然更便宜,这个系统需要更多的花园空间,受季节性变化是由于较低的深度系统的安装。














  • £5000的供应和安装一个空气源热泵
  • £6000的地源热泵的供应和安装
  • £5000的供应和安装生物质锅炉

















  • 引用当地工程师
  • 财务付款可用
  • 每年节省高达£1100




阿提拉Tamas Vekony
写的 阿提拉Tamas Vekony 前的作家

阿提拉GreenMatch用户体验经理。他拥有四年的学位国际商务协调市场营销的经验,用户体验和内容创建。阿提拉喜欢写关于太阳能、加热技术、环境保护和可持续性。他和他的团队的文章出现在对话等知名网站,Earth911 EcoWatch, Gizmodo。
