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How To Make Money By Going Green?


Awareness of Climate Change Is Increasing


During the past years, there has been increasing awareness of climate change and sustainability. More and more governments, businesses and local communities are engaging with environmental initiatives and are focusing on “Going Green”. This all started because humanity is suddenly experiencing the effects of decades of contamination and therefore a lot of people have started taking actions to reduce their impact on the environment.


Nowadays, what attracts people to going green is not only the environmental effects of this behaviour, but also some financial gains. With a more established and widespread objective of reducing carbon emissions, there are different incentives that will actually mean extra money if you switch to greener habits. In this post we will focus on two ways you can save and earn money by going green.


1. Reduce Your Energy Consumption


Going green is very much associated with reducing your carbon emissions. To do so, you should take some time and think about your energy consumption, what you buy and how you move. You should detect those activities that are most harmful to the environment and then think how you could replace them with others that are less polluting.


You might have heard, for instance, that since cars are one of the main contributors to climate change, you should try to avoid using it as much as you can. One more original approach to this problem is carpooling – a new trend that translates into savings or even extra money. Carpooling consists of sharing a car with other people and splitting the costs of the fuel. This is useful in big cities where people need to travel long distances daily. There are different social networks that allow you to get in touch with other people that are offering theirs cars or that are looking for a ride. This is typically a lot less expensive than using the train or a car for only one passenger.


Something you can do to significantly reduce your energy consumption is to improve your home’s insulation. In places like the UK, where cold and windy days are a common scenario, a lot of heat can be lost if the house is not properly insulated. Check your roof, walls, windows and floors and see if their insulation can be improved. Double glazed windows are a very good option to keep your home warm. In some cases the governments might offer you grants for improving your home’s insulation.


2. Switch to Green Sources of Energy


Once you have maximised your energy consumption, you can go a step further and switch to renewable energy. Due to advances in technology, it is now possible to switch to green sources of energy which are not only decently efficient but also, more affordable than they used to be. For example, for residential purposes you can choose to install solar panels, solar thermal systems or heat pumps.


Some of these technologies will provide you with green electricity and others like the solar water heaters are heating solutions for your home. Although it is true that they all require a considerable initial investment, it is also true that once the system is installed you will start saving money. Plus, the government’s Feed in Tariff (FIT) will pay you for every unit of electricity you generate, which reduces the payback period of your system. After some years, the result will not only be a huge reduction on your carbon footprint but also some extra money. The Renewable Heat Incentive is a similar scheme but applies for heating solutions (e.g. heat pumps, solar thermal).


So, you should start assessing your energy consumption and spot those activities that are not environmentally friendly. There are lots of things you can do to change your habits and you will see not only environmental but also financial benefits when going green! In to get a lot of information regarding green energy and to request customised quotes.

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