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Top 50 Recycling Sites


Waste is a huge part of our lives and it is becoming a bigger concern each year, as more waste and rubbish is created in large quantities. As a result, the number of organizations and people involved in recycling waste has seen a rise. decided to acknowledge some of these and have gathered 50 sites that deserve special recognition for their efforts in recycling and waste management. 


Congratulations to all those listed under our top 50 recycling sites!


Nigels Eco Store


“Nigel’s Eco Store is a fairly involved venture and as MD I’m learning a lot, which is good for me. Really I’m just an ordinary guy, trying to make a difference, and finding my way through a confusing world – just like everyone I guess. I like to think I’m creative and intuitive, and I’m loving working with the internet, and with eco products and environmental awareness and ideas.” –


Eco Waste Solutions


“Ecowaste provides innovative, cost effective, tailored waste management solutions across the UK for multiple sectors and clients of all sizes. Ecowaste solutions enable them to reduce waste costs, the amount of waste sent to landfill, waste collection frequency and their carbon footprint. Landfill availability is ever reducing. Taxes on volumes sent to landfill will continue to increase. Correctly recycled waste reduces the amount sent to landfill and leads to a reduction in waste handling costs.” –




“This year Trunki is teaming up with Reuseful UK, a fantastic children’s charity supporting a network of over 90 scrap stores and centres across the UK. The centres are dedicated to providing safe resources donated by businesses for creative art, craft and play, transforming waste into robots, treasure and hours of fun!” –


Transition Marlborough


“We believe that by promoting community driven projects in renewable energy, food sovereignty, sustainable transport and recycling in all its forms, and as part of the overall Transition Movement we are contributing to the two critical issues of peak oil and climate change.Our approach to addressing these issues is underpinned by the permaculture philosophy and ethics. We believe that the transition to a more resilient and happy life cannot happen without reducing inequality in our society.” –


Red Ted Art


“We live in a society that is huge on consumption. Not only do we consume, but each purchase creates a lot of waste. By crafting with recycled materials, I am hoping to teach my kids to reduce the amount of waste they produce, to see the value in something before they throw it away and to think a little bit about our environment and the impact we are having on it. Am passionate about reducing waste, one upcycled craft at a time.” –




“We want to do this to give people interesting homes and to protect the environment. This work has an economic impact and allows us to employ staff, create work placements and train volunteers. We also aim to have a financial impact on households because you can buy great furniture at low prices and finally any profit/surplus we make goes to our founder charities and their partners.” –


Global Renewables


“Both of the facilities have a dedicated in-vessel composting area for garden waste, designed to process 80,000 tonnes per annum. Farington also boasts a Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) which uses state of the art technology to treat 55,000 tonnes of source separated dry recyclables per year. Whilst treating waste in the most environmentally beneficial and cost effective way is essential, we realise that behaviour change both now and in future generations is as important.” –




“Recycling Services offers you the best of both worlds. We operate completely independently allowing for the flexibility to tailor solutions to our customer’s needs, but are owned by Cory Environmental, one of the UK’s leading recycling and waste companies with a history in waste management that dates back for over a century.” –


Suffolk Recycle


“We want to tell everyone in Suffolk that you can now recycle even more in your recycling bin at home. To make life even easier, you can now pop aerosol cans, books, cartons and metal pots, pans and trays into your household recycling bin. And don’t forget to keep recycling your paper, cardboard, plastic bottles, tubs, pots and trays, aluminum foil, metal cans and textiles too.” –


Sustainable Hackney


“Sustainable Hackney aims to protect and enhance the environment, create a sustainable community and contribute to social, economic and environmental justice locally and globally. Some of our objectives are to bring together, support and coordinate the activities of people and organizations in the London Borough of Hackney to create positive solutions as well as promote increased awareness and develop understanding of environmental issues and the work of environmental organizations.” –




“Welcome to Impact Solutions, the leading provider of technology consultancy and testing services across the global petrochemicals and plastics industries. We think you will find us an exciting company. Working closely with SETN, the Scottish Executive and Zero Waste Scotland, Impact provide a number of consultancy and quality control solutions for the recycling sector. Whether you need to know about contaminants in your waste stream, or find a use for your waste, Impact are able to help and advise”. –


Change Works


“We are one of Scotland’s largest environmental charities – a thriving social enterprise with over 20 years’ experience in sustainability. We work with organisations, communities and individuals to deliver practical solutions that reduce carbon emissions, fuel poverty and waste. Passion, integrity, innovation, collaboration and empowerment are the values which drive us. We aim to inspire and enable people to live and work more sustainably.” –


Cleanbin Project


“We’re passionate about zero waste because reducing consumption and waste and increasing recycling is a really tangible thing that everyday people can do. It’s easy to see when you’re improving, and it can be the launchpad for more sustainability actions.” –


Recycled UK Limited


“Established in 2006, Recycled UK has evolved into one of the country’s leading providers of total waste management solutions. The management team of Paul Green, Paul Cotton and Sue Green boasts 75 years’ experience in industry and has used this knowledge to create a range of tailored recycling services for customers from every sector imaginable.” –


Rethink Recycling


“The Solid Waste Management Coordinating Board (SWMCB) was formed in 1990 to increase the efficiency and environmental effectiveness of the region’s solid waste management system. The SWMCB launched its first education outreach campaign in 2003 to help citizens living in the six-county Twin Cities metro area (the Minnesota counties of Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey and Washington) understand the need to make environmentally responsible purchasing, disposal, and recycling decisions in their daily lives. Responsible disposal of unwanted items is necessary for a healthy environment and helps protect public health.” –


Recycle Nation


“RecycleNation is a dynamic recycling and green living-focused website that makes recycling, conserving, reusing and living wisely easy.


RecycleNation features a comprehensive recycling location database that gives the user the ability to easily assemble a recycling to-do list. The database is location based, and aims to make your recycling needs as easy as possible, whether you’re clearing out the house during spring cleaning or simply looking to recycle a few shopping bags.


RecycleNation is regularly updated with important how-to directives aimed at increasing recycling awareness. Visit regularly for eco-friendly stories, ideas, news, anecdotes and initiatives. By changing the way we think, we can change the way we live.” –


Recycle This


“Four years on, we’ve covered over 900 items and had over 14,000 suggestions of ways to reuse, repurpose or recycle things that would otherwise go in the bin. We’ve covered items from around the home, office and garden, things for particularly hobbies or sports, and random bits of technology that have broken or are just out of date.


We aim to add new content every weekday – if you have any ideas for items or would like to make/repair something, suggest them to us – all suggestions gratefully received. We’re currently in the process of writing more guides and the like, pulling together the best suggestions and information from across the site, and also adding more interactive features, which will hopefully make it easier for people to reduce, reuse and recycle.” –


All Waste Services


“AWS Ltd operate a waste transfer station, civic amenity, skip hire and recycling centre in Llangadog, Carmarthenshire. The staff at the site sort, process and recycle the materials that are deposited at the site with overall landfill diversion rates of 90%. AWS Ltd also directly recycle some materials on site. For example wood is processed into various grades for animal bedding and biomass fuel, and hard core and rubble are recycled into various grades of aggregate. One key part of this operation is the new food waste recycling facility. This is an Anaerobic Digestion (AD) plant, commissioned in early 2011, developed specifically to process source segregated food waste from domestic, commercial and industrial sources in the local area.” –




“Yorwaste specialises in creating environmentally sound waste management and recycling solutions for our customers across the UK. We see waste a resource that, wherever possible, needs to be recovered, recycled and re-used and to this end we invest continually in the latest state-of-the-art technologies to facilitate this recovery.” –


Recycle for Wales


“Waste Awareness Wales (WAW) is a Welsh Government funded organisation that delivers communication and behaviour change projects which encourages the Welsh public to change their waste behaviours and contribute to meeting the Welsh Government’s prevention, reuse and recycling targets set out in the Wales Waste policy ‘Towards Zero Waste’.WAW deliver a programme of support for local authorities in their waste communications to help achieve waste targets by encouraging public behaviour change and increased participation in using local authority recycling and other waste services. WAW delivers the consumer facing, Recycle for Wales campaign and the Love Food Hate Waste campaign in Wales. ”


Recycle Works


The Recycle Works Limited is a recycling company that was first created in 1995 by Sylvia Hopwood. It mainly targets organic waste recycling within the family and offers several types of products according to the type of recycling you are interested in. Those products groups are the following ones: water recycling, composting, vermicomposting, sorting waste, organic gardening, kitchen waste recycling and so on. The Recycle Works Limited only works with raw products that are accredited Fair Trade, FSC wood or coming from a European sustainable forest. –




“Recolight have a key objective to increase the WEEE recycling rate for separately collected luminaires.  The 2012 full year data shows a collection rate of just 1%. This is far too low.Recolight has put in place strategies to increase the national collection rate building on our success in the collection of waste lamps. Recolight members were responsible for over 40% of the 984 tonnes of luminaires recycled as WEEE during 2013. However, despite this increase, the overall national recorded luminaire recycling rate in 2013 2% remains too low.”




“Gigacycle Ltd is one of the leading IT disposal and recycling providers in the UK. Formed in 2003, we are based in Manchester and provide services for clients all over the UK, using our own drivers and vehicles.We go beyond the current WEEE legislation to provide a superior service, and we also provide a secure data destruction service that meets the highest UK standards.” –


ASM Auto Recycling


“At present we process over 15,000 end-of-life vehicles every year and specialise in online salvage auctions with over 1,000 damage-repairable and stolen-recovered cars, vans and bikes available for purchase every single week.We also boast an extensive used car parts centre. With over 2,000 vehicles stored at our premises for vehicle dismantling, we can supply used car parts for a large number of vehicles in the UK and across the world.” –


The Rubbish Diet


“Can the average person really create zero waste? Karen Cannard, a mother of 2, from Bury St Edmunds gave it a go in 2008 and blogged about it all. By the end of an 8 week trial she threw away only one plaster! 7 years on, she’s still blogging.  She’s teamed up the social enterprise Cwm Harry to bring The Rubbish Diet Challenge across the UK.


Over three weeks, The Rubbish Diet will help you recycle more, shop better and make the most of what you have in your cupboards. We send you emails packed with top tips and advice to get you started. We’re here to answer your questions, share your successes and help you solve those annoying waste problems.” –



“ has been the market-leading information resource driving sustainability in business for nearly 20 years. A trusted and integral part of the workflow of 60,000+ sustainability professionals, it delivers daily news and commentary, expert advice and business tools, downloadable industry reports and white papers, access to video and webinars, opt-in daily and weekly newsletters, recruitment news and a comprehensive directory of sustainability suppliers. ” –


Crow Recycling


“CROW Recycling is a Coventry based Social Enterprise with charitable status established in 1985. At centrally located premises (within the community’s recycling facility) voluntary work placements are provided for young people and adults who may face disadvantage in the workplace through disability and/or learning difficulties. CROW works in partnership with local authorities, educational establishments, local businesses and community groups in the Coventry and Warwickshire area in order to promote the cause for sustainable recycling.” –


Sussex Green Living


“I set up Sussex Green Living out of concern for the way we humans are treating the planet which sustains us. With motherhood in 2008 came concern about environmental sustainability and a burning desire to learn how we can live more environmentally friendly lifestyles, in harmony with nature. I have always had a passion for the countryside, animals and the natural environment. Most of my career has been spent in marketing and communications, mainly within education and the land based industries, latterly using the power of video communications. In an effort to help create a climate for change I decided to use my knowledge and digital skills to share ideas which anyone can adopt, saving money and the planet.” Carrie Cort


Phoenix Compactors


“At Phoenix, we are experts in waste management and always ensure that we deliver you cost-effective solutions with our high standard balers and compactors, alongside outstanding customer service. With cardboard currently fetching record prices, there’s no better time for baling your materials to create substantial additional income streams for your business.Our aim is to help your business save money, improve efficiency and become more environmentally friendly.” –




“Our purpose encompasses everything that we do. We’re giving the world’s resources new life. Whether those resources are collected by our vehicles from a primary school in Kent or delivered into our Energy Recovery Facilities in Cardiff or Runcorn, we transform ‘waste’ into the items and energy that society will need tomorrow. Gone is the traditional ‘waste’ collection and disposal company. To achieve our purpose we have established two distinct business units Recycling and Resources and Energy. These business units help us to focus our time and expertise on the services that our customers’ want.” –


The Green Familia


“TGF is a light green resource and shopping blog, with lots of great tips and info to help green your life with all things organic and eco friendly, for the whole family. It is targeting ‘Light Green’ families who wish to become greener in their lifestyle and shopping habits. We aim to bring you the best green, organic and eco friendly products available, along with green tips and info to help simplify the whole process.”


Recycle With Clarity


“Recycle with Clarity is an initiative to increase the household recycling rates of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). We have created a UK-wide network of “partner sites”. Many of these sites have public access offering an alternative recycling solution to local Civic Amenity sites which are not always local to residents, and can often have lengthy queues. All drop-offs are free of charge, and many partner sites also offer free local collections of household WEEE. We work with the full spectrum of recycling sites – from the most sophisticated Approved Authorised Treatment Facilities (AATFs), to the “man with a van” local clearance specialists.” –


Element Green Recycling


“Element Green Recycling Ltd is an environmental company. It was formed to help the public recycle, reduce and reuse their waste. “Helping you make Recycling Second Nature” is not only our slogan but the core of our business too. At Element Green Recycling we believe recycling is a practical solution to the Earth’s finite resources and it should be encouraged. Equally recycling is just one of many tools by which we can address our waste problem. It is our opinion that buying products that has a recycled content is just as important as recycling!” –


The Green Centre


“The Green Centre is a grassroots community environmental organisation run entirely by volunteers. The essence of our work is to enable people to develop their relationship with the planet. We provide opportunities for people to engage in activities which support the planet and our recycling program is considered the best in Brighton because of the variety of materials we are able to recycle.” –




“Our company specializes in redundant IT equipment disposal with an ethical and a legal procedure put in place aimed at customer’s safety and security. The company’s top priority is  to ensure a smooth implementation of a waste management programme concerned with the  proper disposal of potential hazardous IT appliances. We make sure that every organization we collaborate with is playing their part in preventing the redundant IT equipment ending up on waste sites.” –



“ is a free listings website that allows users to list items they are willing to give away for free in an attempt to help others within their community and stop items that are perfectly reusable from going to landfill. We aim to help raise lots of money for Charity and good causes in the process too, as well as educating the UK on the importance of working towards becoming a zero waste nation where things are no longer simply discarded when others could make good use of them.” – 



“ is part of the Environment Media Group Ltd and is the UK’s leading independent dedicated website for businesses, local authorities and community groups involved in recycling and waste management. As the industry’s top information-provider, we deliver news and material prices plus key information for businesses sector ranging from suppliers of plant, equipment, vehicles and services through to job vacancies, careers advice and tenders. is editorially independent. Our editorial team has more than two decades of experience in the recycling and waste management arena.’s philosophy is to champion waste minimisation, re-use and recycling while recognising the need for a range of sustainable waste management options.” –


University of Greenwich


The University of Greenwich is recognised as a leading university for its application and delivery of sustainability. It seeks creative and innovative approaches to enable sustainability to be integrated at all levels and in all areas of the institution. This includes the huge potential in aligning the curriculum and research towards sustainability, reducing its own impacts and sharing best practice with its local and wider communities. Their use of social media and their website provide useful information to educate, engage and enable sustainable change.


Turtle Doves


Turtle Doves is a British design and manufacturing company established in 2009, specialising in using post consumer textile waste to create beautiful new garments & accessories. It is also a social company as it strives to pay its employees a healthy wage for their work, while staying competitive by implementing a clever design and avoiding middlemen. Turtle Doves buys its woollens from charity shops and textile merchants whom mainly bought their waste textiles.
On their website you can choose between different materials: cashmere or silk and different products such as scarves, gloves, ponchos, hats and leg warmers.




This company concept is really particular. The idea? Delivering fresh organic food (mainly fruits and vegetables) coming from small farms to consumers. How does it work? You register online and select the food you would like to eat for a specific week and the box containing the food. Then you are delivered at home, even if you’re out, Abel&Cole will hide the box in a secure place. The recycling initiative? When the next delivery comes, just give them your previous box, they can reuse it or recycle it! –




Preloved was created in 1999 in the UK and is a market platform where buyers and sellers can meet and discuss about more than 500 product categories. Preloved is really concerned with environmental and social aspects such as recycling and animal welfare. You can find on their blog pages articles specially linked to recycling like tips to reuse plastic bottles or recycle during christmas period. Preloved for example talked about campaigns made by WRAP to promote recycling such as “love food hate waste”, “love your clothes”, “recycle now to recycle more”. Preloved is therefore supporting WRAP in its recycling initiatives.


Recycle Aid


This website is directed to recycling companies to help them in getting additional customers. This initiative is really interesting as recycling companies can be listed according to their localisations, Recycle Aid providing you with their contact details and images about the site. In addition, Recycle Aid offers the companies to publish tips or news concerning the recycling sector on their blog page. Therefore this recycling platform helps companies to be more reachable for private individuals.


Red Cross


Everyone has heard of the Red Cross Foundation. However, few know about the recycling campaign the Red Cross implemented few years ago. On their website you can contribute and donate unwanted items to their charity shops or old ink cartridges and old mobile phones. From the mobile phones you will recycle, you give 50% of their market value to the organization. Concerning ink cartridges, you also help the red cross foundation by giving them £1 per ink cartridge recycled. It sounds like nothing but it can save so many lives!


University of Lincoln


The University of Lincoln, which was established in the East Midlands in 1861, has established a blog informing the community about the different green actions that were undertaken on the campus. Concerning recycling, the University of Lincoln is informing the community about different ways of recycling in the student village. The university has notably installed new, more performant recycling bins to sort waste and thus decrease the amount of trash that is not recycled and goes to landfill. You can also recycle your old clothes on the campus as a cloth bank has been installed.


British Plastics and Rubber


BP&R is a monthly magazine about the plastic and rubber industries in the UK. The company website provides its users with the latest news and technical articles on the subject. The magazine has been published in UK and Ireland since 1976 and is highly trusted in the industry. Concerning the recycling side of those two industries, the magazine wrote a lot of content and blog posts concerning plastic bottle recycling, new technology for a better efficiency while recycling.


Resource Efficient Business


“REB is a digital news publisher covering issues with respect to recycling, waste management, energy consumption, at the same time providing insights and analysis reports on the subject of sustainability. In so doing, REB plays an important role in spreading the word of sustainable recycling, for which reason it has its place in the ongoing discussions and efforts aimed at encouraging the use of renewable energy sources.”




“Emmaus doesn’t just make a difference to people’s lives, it also helps save the environment, by recycling and reusing as much as possible. In 2012-13 Emmaus saved more than 3000 tonnes of goods from going to landfill. Many of our communities have workshops where companions, staff and volunteers work together to restore furniture that may have been neglected. This gives companions the chance to learn new skills, or use existing ones, while also taking great pride in giving donated items a new lease of life.”


Entire Recycling


“Entire Recycling was founded in 2011. The company was built to deliver profitable, long-term relationships between itself and customers. After a 12-month audit of the industry and common practices, the Entire Recycling developed its core principles which facilitate their relationship with their customers.” –



This association has founded one of the biggest recycling network in the world, with up to 8,867,963 members throughout the world. The principle of this network is simple: rather than throwing old things that you do not use anymore, post an offer on the website to give it to someone else! This association is a non-profit one and the donation are done in local areas to avoid transportation costs. This concept was first created in Arizona in 2003 and is now spread in 85 countries.


Closed Loop Recycling


This company takes PET soft drinks and water bottles and milk bottles made out of HDPE to recycle them. The recycle elements are then used to create new bottles or food packaging. The factory, situated in Dagenham, can recycleup to 35,000 tonnes of bottles per year. The mission of Closed Loop Recycling is the following one: “recycling resources to maximise their value and minimise their environmental impact for the benefit of future generations”.

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“奈杰尔的Eco商店是一个相当风险和MD我学习很多,这对我来说是好的。真的我只是一个普通的人,试图做出改变,找到我的方式通过一个混乱的世界,就像每个人我猜。我想我的创造力和直觉,我爱使用互联网,和环保产品和环保意识和想法。”- -



“Ecowaste提供创新、成本有效,定制的废物管理解决方案在英国为多个行业和各种规模的客户。Ecowaste解决方案使他们能够减少浪费成本,将送去垃圾填埋场的废物,废物收集频率和他们的碳足迹。垃圾填埋场可用性降低。卷送到垃圾填埋税将继续增加。正确地减少送往垃圾填埋场的废物回收和导致减少废物处理成本。”- -



“今年Trunki正与英国反复利用,一个神奇的儿童慈善机构支持超过90个废弃商店和网络中心在英国。致力于提供安全资源中心捐赠的企业创造性的艺术,工艺和玩耍,把废物变成机器人,珍惜和小时的乐趣!”- - /博客



“我们相信,通过促进社区驱动的项目可再生能源、粮食主权,一切形式的可持续交通和回收,我们作为整体的一部分过渡运动导致石油峰值的两个关键问题和气候变化。我们的方法来解决这些问题是由永久培养哲学和道德支撑。我们认为,过渡到一个更有弹性和幸福的生活不会发生,而不是降低不平等在我们的社会。”- -


红色- t尖端的标志

“我们生活在一个社会上巨大的消耗。我们不仅消耗,但是每个购买会造成很多的浪费。用回收材料制作,我希望教我的孩子减少废物产生,看到之前扔掉东西的价值,思考一下我们的环境和我们对它的影响。我热衷于减少浪费,一个再循环工艺。”- -



“我们想要做这给人们有趣的家园和保护环境。这项工作有经济方面的影响,使我们能够雇佣员工,创建工作安置和培训志愿者。我们也致力于对家庭财务影响因为你可以买到很好的家具低价最后任何利润/盈余我们去我们的创始人慈善机构和他们的合作伙伴。”- -



“两个设施有一个专门的船舶垃圾堆肥区花园,旨在每年处理80000吨。Farington还拥有材料回收设备(MRF),使用先进的技术来治疗每年55000吨的源分离干燥回收。同时把浪费在最环保和成本有效的方式是至关重要的,我们意识到行为改变现在和未来几代人都是同样重要的。”- -



“回收服务提供你最好的两人世界。我们完全独立地操作允许灵活地定制解决方案我们的客户的需求,但属于科里环境、英国领先的回收和废物公司废弃物管理的历史,可以追溯到一个多世纪。”- -



“我们想告诉大家在萨福克郡,你现在可以回收更多的回收箱在家里。让生活更简单,你可以现在流行气溶胶罐、书籍、纸箱和金属锅碗瓢盆,托盘,家用垃圾桶。别忘了保持回收你的论文,纸板、塑料瓶子,浴缸,锅和盘子,铝箔、金属罐和纺织品。”- -



“可持续的哈克尼的目标是保护和加强环境,创建一个可持续的社区和促进社会、经济和环境正义在本地和全球。一起把我们的一些目标,支持和协调人和组织的活动在伦敦的哈克尼区创建积极的解决方案,以及促进意识和发展对环境问题的理解,增强环保组织的工作。”- -



“欢迎来到影响解决方案,技术咨询和测试服务的领先供应商,全球石油化工产品和塑料工业。我们认为你会发现一个令人兴奋的公司。与SETN密切合作,苏格兰苏格兰行政院,零浪费,影响提供一些咨询和回收行业质量控制解决方案。是否你需要了解污染物在废物流,或找到一个用于你的浪费,影响能够帮助和建议”。- - - - -



“我们是苏格兰最大的环境慈善机构——一个繁荣的社会企业可持续发展超过20年的经验。与我们合作组织、社区和个人提供实用的解决方案,减少碳排放,燃料贫困和浪费。激情、诚信、创新、协作和授权是把我们的价值观。我们的目标是激励和使人们更可持续地生活和工作。”- -



“我们热衷于“零浪费,因为减少消耗和浪费,提高回收是一个很实实在在的普通人能做的东西。很容易看到当你提升时,它可以为更多的launchpad可持续发展行动。”- -



”成立于2006年,英国回收已经演变成一个国家的浪费管理解决方案的领先供应商。保罗的管理团队绿色,保罗棉花和苏绿拥有75年经验在工业和使用这些知识来创建一系列为来自各个行业的客户定制的回收服务。”- -



“固体废物管理协调委员会(SWMCB)成立于1990年,以提高效率和环境区域的固体废物管理系统的有效性。SWMCB发射了它的第一个教育推广活动在2003年帮助公民生活在six-county双城市区(明尼苏达县的“卡佛,达科塔,Hennepin,拉姆齐和华盛顿)理解需要对环境负责的采购、处置和回收决策在他们的日常生活。负责处理不需要的物品是必要的对于一个健康的环境,帮助保护公众健康。”- -





RecycleNation定期更新有重要的指示旨在增加回收意识。定期访问的环保故事,思想、新闻、奇闻轶事和倡议。通过改变我们的思维方式,我们可以改变我们的生活方式。”- -


屏幕截图在10 2015-07-02


我们的目标是每个工作日添加新的内容——如果你对项目有任何想法或愿/修理一些东西,我们建议他们感激地接受了建议。我们目前在写作的过程中更多的指导等,齐心协力从整个网站最好的建议和信息,并添加更多的互动功能,这将有希望使人们更容易减少,重用和回收。”- -



“AWS有限公司经营一个垃圾中转站,城市美化市容,跳过Llangadog雇佣和回收中心,卡马森郡。工作人员在现场,过程和回收的材料沉积在网站整体垃圾填埋转移率达到90%。现场也AWS有限公司直接回收一些材料。例如木材加工成各种动物床上用品和生物质燃料、成绩和核心和瓦砾被回收到各种等级的聚合。此操作的一个关键部分是新的食物垃圾回收设施。这是一个厌氧消化(广告),委托在2011年初,专门处理开发源隔离从国内食品垃圾,当地的商业和工业来源。”- -



“Yorwaste专注于创建环保废物管理和回收解决方案为我们的客户在英国。我们看到浪费资源,只要有可能,需要回收,回收和重用,为此我们不断投资于最新最先进的技术来促进经济复苏。”- -






回收工程有限公司是一家回收公司,西尔维亚•霍普伍德最初创建于1995年。主要目标有机废物回收在家庭中,提供了几种类型的产品根据你感兴趣的类型的回收。这些产品组以下的:水回收、堆肥,vermicomposting,整理垃圾,有机园艺,厨房垃圾回收等等。回收工程有限仅适用于原始认可的公平贸易产品,FSC木材或来自欧洲可持续森林。- - - - -






“千兆周有限公司是一个领先的处置和回收供应商在英国。成立于2003年,总部在曼彻斯特,英国所有的为客户提供服务,使用我们自己的司机和车辆。我们超越当前WEEE立法提供优良的服务,我们还提供一个安全的数据破坏符合英国最高标准的服务。”- -



“目前我们每年处理超过15000个报废车辆和专门从事网上打捞拍卖和超过1000 damage-repairable stolen-recovered汽车、货车和自行车可供购买每一个星期。我们还拥有一个广泛使用汽车零部件中心。超过2000辆储存在汽车拆解的前提,我们可以供应汽车零部件用于大量的车辆在英国和世界各地。”- -



“一般人真的可以创建“零浪费”?Karen Cannard 2孩子的母亲,从埋葬圣埃德蒙兹给它一试对这一切在2008年和博客。通过8周实验结束时,她扔掉了只有一个石膏!7年过去了,她还写博客。她的社会企业合作Cwm哈利把垃圾饮食挑战整个英国。

在三周,饮食可以帮助你回收垃圾,商店更好,充分利用你所拥有的在你的橱柜里。我们送你电子邮件挤满了提示和建议你开始。我们在这里回答你的问题,分享你的成功和帮助你解决那些烦人的浪费问题。”- -


“edie.net一直是市场领先信息资源推动可持续性业务近20年。信任和工作流的一部分60000 +可持续性专业人士,提供每日新闻和评论,专家建议和商业工具,下载行业报告和白皮书,访问视频和网络研讨会,选择每日和每周简报、招聘新闻和全面可持续发展供应商的目录。”- -



“乌鸦回收是一个基于考文垂的社会企业与慈善机构地位成立于1985年。集中在位于前提(在社区内的回收设备)志愿工作职位是为年轻人和成年人在工作中可能面临的劣势通过残疾和/或学习困难。乌鸦在与当地政府合作,教育机构,当地企业和社区团体在考文垂和沃里克郡地区为了促进可持续循环利用的原因。”- -






“在凤凰城,我们在废物管理专家,总是确保我们提供你与我们的高标准打包机和压实工具,具有成本效益的解决方案和优秀的客户服务。目前与纸板抓取创纪录的价格,没有比这更好的时间打包你的材料为你的生意创造可观的额外收入来源。我们的目标是帮助您的业务省钱,提高效率和更加环保。”- -



“我们的目的包括我们所做的一切。我们给世界资源的新生活。收集的这些资源是否我们的车辆从肯特郡一所小学或交付到我们在加的夫或道的能量回收设施,我们将“浪费”转化为商品和能源,社会需要明天。了公司的收集和处理是传统的“浪费”。为了达到我们的目的,我们建立了两个不同的业务部门和能源回收和资源。这些业务单位帮助我们集中时间和专业知识的服务,我们的客户想要的。”- -



“TGF是亮绿色资源和购物的博客,有很多伟大的技巧和信息帮助你生命绿色有机,生态友好,为整个家庭。它是针对“浅绿色”家庭希望变得更环保的生活方式和购物习惯。我们的目标是给你带来最好的绿色、有机食品和生态友好的产品,随着绿色提示和信息来帮助简化整个过程。”- - - - -



“回收与清晰是一个倡议增加家庭废物回收率电气和电子设备(WEEE)。我们已经创建了一个UK-wide网络“合作网站”。许多这些网站公共访问当地公民礼仪网站提供另一种回收解决方案并不总是当地居民,并能经常有漫长的队列。所有的经历都是免费的,许多合作网站也提供免费的地方集合的家用电器。我们工作的全面回收站点——从最复杂的批准授权处理设施(AATFs),“男人与一辆货车”地方间隙专家。”- -



”元素的绿色回收有限公司是一家环保公司。成立以帮助公众回收,减少浪费和重用。“帮你做回收的第二天性”不仅是我们的口号,我们的核心业务。在元素的绿色回收我们相信回收是切实解决地球的有限资源,它应该鼓励。同样回收只是许多工具之一,我们可以解决浪费问题。我们认为,购买产品,有一个回收内容是回收一样重要!”- -



“绿色中心是一个基层的社区环境完全由志愿者组织运行。我们的工作的本质是使人们发展与地球的关系。我们为人们提供机会参与活动支持地球和我们的回收计划被认为是最好的在布赖顿因为各种各样的材料我们是可回收的。”- -



“我们公司专门从事冗余设备处理的伦理和法律程序实施旨在客户的安全。公司的首要任务是确保顺利实施废物管理计划涉及的正确处理潜在危险的电器。我们确保每个组织合作是发挥他们的作用在防止冗余设备最终垃圾网站。”- -

回收_co _uk最后

“。英国上市是一个免费的网站,允许用户列表项他们愿意给免费为了帮助别人在他们的社区和阻止项目完全可重用的垃圾填埋场。我们的目标是帮助为慈善和公益事业筹集很多钱在这个过程中,以及英国教育的重要性,努力成为“零浪费国家的东西不再是简单地丢弃在其他人可以充分利用它们。”- -


“Letsrecycle.com是环境的一部分媒体集团有限公司,是英国最大的独立专用网站为企业、地方政府和社区团体参与回收和废物管理。作为行业最大的信息提供者,我们为企业提供新闻和材料价格+关键信息部门从供应商工厂,设备,工具和服务通过职位空缺,职业建议和招标。letsrecycle.com编辑独立。我们的编辑团队拥有超过20年的经验在回收和废物管理领域。letsrecycle.com的哲学是冠军浪费最小化,同时回收和再利用,承认需要一系列可持续的废物管理选项。”- -









这个公司的概念真的很特别。这个主意吗?提供新鲜的有机食品(主要是水果和蔬菜)来自小农场给消费者。它是如何工作的呢?你在网上注册并选择你想吃的食物为一个特定的,包含食物的盒子。你就在家了,即使你,Abel&Cole会把盒子藏在一个安全的地方。回收计划吗?接下来的交付时,就给他们你的以前的盒子,他们可以重复使用或回收!- - - - -









每个人都听说过红十字基金会。然而,很少有人知道关于回收活动几年前红十字会实现。在他们的网站上你可以贡献和不必要的物品捐赠给慈善商店或旧墨盒和旧手机。你的手机你会回收,给50%的市场价值的组织。关于墨盒,你也给了红十字基金会£1 /墨盒回收。它听起来像只可以挽救很多生命!












“以马忤斯不仅能改变别人的生活,也有助于拯救环境,尽可能多地回收和重用。在2012 - 13年以马忤斯拯救了超过3000吨的货物从垃圾填埋场。我们的许多社区工作坊的同伴,工作人员和志愿者共同努力,恢复家具可能被忽略了。这给同伴学习新技能的机会,或使用现有的,同时采取大骄傲给新生捐赠物品。”



“整个回收成立于2011年。公司建成交付盈利,长期本身和客户之间的关系。后12个月工业和常见的审计实践,整个回收开发其核心原则,促进与客户的关系。”- - /博客





