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Underfloor Heating Cost


How Much Does Underfloor Heating Cost?


Underfloor heating costs can start as low as £30 for small projects, and go upwards of £10,000 for bigger projects. The cost will depend on a variety of factors, such as:

  1. The underfloor heating system you choose.
  2. The size of your room.
  3. The age of your building.

With good consideration and decision-making, underfloor heating systems are a great choice for homeowners because they provide evenly distributed warmth and comfort.


Underfloor heating falls into two categories: electric and water systems. In an electric underfloor heating system, commonly known as a dry system, a set of wires are installed beneath or within the flooring, where the heat output is controlled by a thermostat.


Water underfloor heating, also known as a wet system, circulates hot water to the pipework throughout the floor, connected to a boiler or a heat pump. A price breakdown can be found in the table below:

Underfloor Heating Cost — Retrofit vs New Build House
Type of Underfloor HeatingNew or RenovatedMaterial CostLabour CostCompletion TimeTotal Underfloor Heating Cost
ElectricRenovated£3,600+£480-£7202-3 days£4,000-4,500
ElectricNew Build£2,100+£240-£4801-2 days£2,300-£2,600
WaterRenovated£9,000+£1,200-£1,6805-7 days£10,000-£11,000
WaterNew Build£4,800+£960-14404-6 days£5,500-£6,500

Sample price chart for a 60m² home with £30 contractor hourly rate


Underfloor heating costs for electric foil film start from £50 per square metre, excluding a thermostat. For a warm water system, you can expect to pay £40 per square metre, excluding fitting charge and additional equipment purchases.


The market offers kits from £165 for an aluminium structure 140w/m², including a thermostat for controlled heat output and a floor temperature sensor.


If you are interested in getting more information on underfloor heating costs, GreenMatch is here to help you. You can receive up to 4 quotes by filling in quick form at the top and hear from us shortly. The form is free of charge and there’s no further obligation with the service.


How Much Does Underfloor Heating Cost to Install?


When it comes to installation, underfloor heating cost can be affected by a number of different factors:

  • the type of floor cover
  • the state of the property
  • the type of underfloor heating.

Materials will cost the most, followed by tradesman charge. Contractor costs could range from £200-£300 per day, and this depends on the length of the installation process.


Laying pipes for wet underfloor systems will be easier in a new building where removing the old floor cover is not needed. If renovating a home with an electric type, underfloor heating cost will be cheaper for materials. Let’s have a look at the installation costs below.


Renovated House Installation


When considering home improvements, underfloor heating is a great renovation project. Single rooms or bathrooms are great for electric underfloor heating, especially in a small renovation project.


If you cannot find the exact size for your project, It’s always recommended to purchase the smaller size and add an additional mat that protects against cracks in unheated areas if desired. This will avoid unnecessary overheating in the room.


A loose cable kit for a 4.5m² room can start from £290.


Wet underfloor heating in a renovated building costs about £150 per m², excluding the labour work, which could take up to 6-7 days.


New Building Installation


Underfloor heating costs can be overwhelming considering all associated costs, but some electric systems are a great affordable solution for a new build.


The average price per m² could start from £35 and the installation could take up to two days. However, using electric underfloor heating fitted throughout the whole building will result in high electricity bills.


Warm water underfloor systems are much more suitable for new homes. A wet system could cost upwards of £80 per m², more than double the amount in comparison with electric underfloor system.


How Much Does Underfloor Heating Cost to Run?


The running costs of water underfloor heating depend on many factors, such as the main system generator — boiler or heat pump types.


The big advantage of installing a water underfloor heating is the cheaper running cost. Using a good floor leveling can reduce the needed flow temperature by 20%. Having a system running with lower temperature can save you around £10 a year for each degree.


Both water and electric underfloor heating can be regulated in order to prevent unnecessary heat usage. Leaving the underfloor heating on continuously is not recommended, and is particularly unnecessary with good insulation.


Let’s take, for example, an average room size of a 4m² bathroom that is heated for 4 hours a day. The average price of electricity is 14.37p/kW in the UK. That can come to £10-£11 pounds a month.


Calculations depend on the location — for example, in Northern Scotland the electricity prices could be more expensive than in London.


Types of Underfloor Heating and Equipment


Electric systems provide ease and flexibility in terms of installation with wide range of mats, loose cable fitting, and heating film systems to choose from.


Water underfloor systems are more complex in terms of materials and installation, but when connected to a good quality condensing boiler or a heat pump, they offer very efficient energy output.

Which Underfloor Is Best For My Home?
Avg. Room SizeSuitable Electric SystemSuitable Water System

Electric Mat

Pre-spaced, suitable for small DIY projects

Condensing Boiler

Gas is cheaper than electricity


Loose Fit Cable

Cheaper to install in large rooms and around odd angles and corners

Air Source Pump

Cheaper running costs over time


Electric Underfloor Heating System


Materials for electric underfloor systems are cheaper, but considering the higher electricity prices, expect electric underfloor heating costs to be higher in the long run than wet systems. That’s why electric underfloor is a great solution for small spaces or a retrofit building project.


Underfloor Heating Mats


Underfloor heating mats work great if installed under stone, tile, marble, because they retain heat well, making the system very efficient.


If you are planning on using an electric mat as your primary source of heat, for sufficient warmth a 150W/m²-200W/m² type of mat is recommended.


The mats or rollers are pre-spaced and you can select the size you need for regularly-shaped rooms.


By placing a thin layer of insulation on top of the concrete floor, you will guarantee fast warm up time as the heat makes it way upwards, minimising heat loss.


Investing in a higher wattage mat will optimise heat usage so you can enjoy the benefits of an even heat dispersion without adding up to the electricity cost. For reaching optimal warmth in less time and maximising energy savings, lay the mat on top of a well-insulated concrete subfloor or slab floor.


Loose Cable Fittings


Loose fit wires provide more flexibility when spacing the parameter in the desired room. This type of electric underfloor heating is perfect for a bathroom with a tub or any larger or irregular-shaped rooms.


The underfloor heating cost of this type vary according to manufacturer, but if you are working on a 14m² room, expect a cable system to be up to 20% less expensive than buying an electric mat for the same size room.


Loose cables could be easily fitted around odd corners and heavy furniture or appliances mounted to the floor without needing extra work to remove it.


Underfloor Foil Film Heating


Foil film underfloor heating is easy to install in dry rooms and perfect for wooden floors, parquet and laminate floors. It is best to install this type on top of concrete or chipboard.


It can be placed under a layer of insulation or used on timber floors and soft floors by placing an overlay that will help with the heat transfer.


Depending on the subfloor, additional insulation and underlay could be needed.


Warm Water Heating System


The underfloor heating pipes can be connected to either a boiler or a heat pump. A key characteristic of this system is that it works with lower temperature water. Considering their efficiency, heat pumps are regarded as a good match for underfloor heating. However, in the case of much higher heating demand, a boiler could be more suitable.


If the household already has a boiler, investing in an energy-saving one will cut down on your energy bills. Current regulations specify that the boilers used for underfloor heating must be of the condensing type. 


By using a condensing boiler, expect energy efficiency to increase by around 25% in comparison to radiators, whereas a heat pump will make an even bigger difference: up to 40% more efficient.


The water flow temperature from a boiler can be up to 65°C depending on the top floor cover whilst some heat pumps, such as air source types, work with 35°C. This will require tighter spacing between pipes and increase in material costs.


Investing in a water underfloor heating system will pay off in the long run with cheaper running costs and better efficiency.


This type of heating requires a professional installation and can result in higher underfloor heating costs for an old building project. Considering the preparation of the floor required, wet systems will be cheaper to install on new joist floors or newly built residential buildings.


The new boiler cost could be up to £2000 for an A-rated model.


On the other hand, the cost of a heat pump could be even higher, but they are considered inexpensive to operate in the long run.


If unsure whether to choose a boiler or a heat pump, it’s good to keep in mind that:

  • Heat Pumps are up to three times more efficient and will be suitable for underfloor heating with timber floors that require lower temperature. Air source heat pump running costs can be lower with an underfloor efficient heating system.
  • Boilers, on the other hand, might be more suitable for smaller projects and more efficient in colder areas by generating more energy.

Underfloor Heating Manifolds


Underfloor heating manifolds control the water flow to provide consistent warmth throughout the whole floor.


Open manifolds for low temperatures up to 60°C distribute an even flow and constant temperature without a mixing valve. The water is circulated within the underfloor heating system with the help of heat pump systems.


Manifolds with a mixing pump are required where water temperature reaches above 60°C in order to provide and maintain the correct temperature.


The running cost of underfloor heating is dependent on energy consumption and cost of electricity in the property area.


Does Underfloor Heating Cost Less than Radiators?


Electricity is more expensive than gas, thus electric underfloor heating will not cost less than using a gas radiator.


However, after the initial price for material and installation, water underfloor heating will pay off with very cheap bills over time. The heat is more efficiently distributed through the room and it offers better temperature control. 


In addition, UK homeowners that use a renewable source of energy to generate heat can qualify for a financial incentive scheme.


Renewable Heat Incentive


Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) is a UK Government scheme that encourages homeowners to use renewable energy. It offers support for biomass boilers, ground to water and air to water heat pumps. 


Ofgem, the regulating body for the RHI has more information on how to apply, how calculations are made and recent scheme changes.


Should I Leave Underfloor Heating On All the Time?


Yes, it is advisable to leave it on constantly during the cold winter months. Underfloor heating needs more time to warm up and turning it off will lead to unnecessary waste of energy. Installing thermostats for different rooms will provide the most heat efficient control and optimal heat distribution where it is most needed. Modern thermostats offer setback temperature that automatically lowers the temperature at night and saves on your bills. 


Find the Right Underfloor Heating Supplier in the UK


Finding the right supplier for underfloor heating requires careful planning and decision-making. It is important to compare companies in order to find the right solution for your home. Below you can find UK suppliers with expertise in underfloor heating systems. 


Finding the right underfloor heating cost depends on your property size and state. If you want to receive a tailor-made solution according to your needs, we are here to help you by providing a non-obligatory, free of charge service. Simply fill in our contact form with your needs and specifications and we will be back to you shortly with up to 4 quotes from suppliers near you.

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Valli is a content writer at GreenMatch since 2017. She has been writing well researched articles about renewable energy, sustainability and green technologies. She has experience and knowledge about renewable energy products and stays on top of green energy trends. With over 5 years of expertise in the field, her work has been published in various media such as Entrepreneur, Business Insider, Canadian Geographic, uSwitch , and eCycle. The UK government sites have also made use of her work within their publications.


Valli is a content writer at GreenMatch since 2017. She has been writing well researched articles about renewable energy, sustainability and green technologies. She has experience and knowledge about renewable energy products and stays on top of green energy trends. With over 5 years of expertise in the field, her work has been published in various media such as Entrepreneur, Business Insider, Canadian Geographic, uSwitch , and eCycle. The UK government sites have also made use of her work within their publications.

\n","jobTitle":"Content Writer","email":"","linkedIn":"","type":"contributor"}],"relatedArticles":[{"id":29206,"url":"//","image":"","title":"How Much does a Ground Source Heat Pump Cost?"},{"id":29207,"url":"//","image":"","title":"Find a Green Energy Tariff vol. 1"},{"id":29209,"url":"//","image":"","title":"Find a Green Energy Tariff vol. 2"},{"id":29218,"url":"//","image":"","title":"Guide: Is Economy 7 The Best Saving Solution?"}],"subPages":[],"topPages":[],"hideMoreOnThisTopic":false,"hideItsThatEasy":false,"hideBecomeAPartner":false,"hideContentHeader":false,"guideLinks":[{"title":"_How Much Does Underfloor Heating Cost?","link":"cost"},{"title":"How Much Does Underfloor Heating Cost to Install?","link":"installation-cost"},{"title":"How Much Does Underfloor Heating Cost to Run?","link":"running-costs"},{"title":"Types of Underfloor Heating and Equipment","link":"types"},{"title":"Does Underfloor Heating Cost Less than Radiators?","link":"radiators"},{"title":"Find the Right Underfloor Heating Supplier in the UK","link":"find-suppliers"}]},"url":"/blog/underfloor-heating-cost","version":"6245850dc40bd888a3448bd501dd662b"}">




  1. 的地板下供暖系统你选择。
  2. 大小你的房间。
  3. 年龄你的建筑。




类型的地板下供暖 新的或翻新的 材料成本 劳动力成本 完成时间 地板下供暖总成本
翻新 £3600 + £480 -£720 2 - 3天 £4000 - 4500
新构建 £2100 + £240 -£480 1 - 2天 £2300 -£2600
翻新 £9000 + £1200 -£1680 5 - 7天 £10000 -£11000
新构建 £4800 + £960 - 1440 4 - 6天 £5500 -£6500



市场提供了工具£165140 w / m²的铝结构,包括恒温器控制热功率和温度传感器。




  • 地板覆盖的类型
  • 的状态属性
  • 地板下供暖的类型。

材料将花费最多,其次是商人。承包商的成本可以从每天£200 -£300,这取决于安装过程的长度。



他们根据模型和财产大小不同,但你可以花£100 -£200,绝缘系统将帮助分配更高的产热量。恒温器将调节热输出的时机。





一个松散的有线电视设备对于一个4.5 m²房间可以从£290

潮湿的地板下供暖在翻修建筑成本£150 m²(不包括劳动力的工作,可能需要6 - 7天。




热水地板下系统更适合新房。湿系统的成本£80 /米²,超过两倍相比,电动地板下系统。





例如,让我们来平均房间大小4 m²浴室一天,加热4小时。电的平均价格14.37便士/千瓦在英国。,可以来一个月£10 -£11磅





Avg。房间大小 合适的电力系统 合适的水系统
















如果您计划使用电蚊香片作为你的主要热源,足够的温暖150 w / m²-200 w / m²建议类型的垫子。






这种类型的地板下供暖成本根据制造商的不同而不同,但如果你是在工作14 m²房间,预计电缆系统便宜20%比买一个电蚊香片相同大小的房间。

















  • my188金宝博三倍更有效,将适用于地板下供暖与木材地板需要更低的温度。空气源热泵运行成本可以用一个较低的地板下高效加热系统。
  • 锅炉,另一方面,可能更适合于小型项目和更有效的在寒冷地区通过生成更多的能量。





















写的 瓦利Vishnubhotla 、内容的作家

