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Mapped: Europe’s Most and Least Polluted Countries


The World Health Organization recently published a report saying that more than 90% of the world’s children are breathing in toxic air. Unfortunately, the world is polluted in more ways than one. With the increasing urgency of climate change and achieving Net Zero, it is important to understand the levels of pollution per country. Europe has the largest and wealthiest economy in the world. Nevertheless, there is a great diversity of pollution across the continent.


To give insight into the pollution level in different countries in Europe, GreenMatch conducted a comprehensive study shining light on the 7 factors that affect pollution:

  • Carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion
  • Concentrations of PM2.5 in urban areas
  • Deaths attributable to air pollution
  • Quality of designated drinking water sources
  • Amount of waste
  • Forest area
  • Terrestrial and marine protected area

Click here to read more about the metrics.


The elements used to present the results are:


Interactive Map


The Most Polluted Countries


According to GreenMatch’s findings, Turkey is the most polluted, and Sweden is the cleanest European country.


1. Turkey


Turkey is the most polluted country in Europe with an overall score of 6.1/10. There are several arguments that resulted in this conclusion. As for the air in Turkey, the carbon dioxide pollution is 4.33 tonnes per capita per year, and the concentrations of PM2.5 are 41 µg/m3. In relation to this, there are 44 deaths attributable to air pollution per 100,000 capita per year. To compensate for the pollution, Turkey consists of only 15.2% forest area and has just 0.2% protected terrestrial or marine area. Turkey discards 424.625 kg of waste per capita each year.


2. Poland


Poland takes second place with an overall score of 5.5/10. The carbon dioxide emissions in poland are 7.63 tonnes per capita per year, which is higher than the winner Turkey. The concentrations of PM2.5 are 22 µg/m3 which is almost half of Turkey’s concentrations. There are 69 deaths attributable to air pollution per 100,000 capita per year. Poland consists of 30.8% forest area and 38.10% protected terrestrial and marine area. Each year, the citizens of Poland discard 304.9 kg of waste per capita.


3. Latvia


Latvia scores a close 5.4/10 behind Poland. Carbon dioxide emissions are 3.47 tonnes per capita per year, which is the lowest amount of all the countries in this study. Next to that, concentrations of PM2.5 are 14 µg/m3 in relation to the highest number of deaths attributable to air pollution of 91 per 100,000 capita per year. The waste discarded each year is 407.2 kg per capita.


The Cleanest Countries


1. Sweden


The least polluted country is Sweden with overall score of 2.8/10. The amount of carbon dioxide is 3.83 tonnes per capita per year, and the concentrations of PM2.5 are 6 µg/m3. The deaths attributable to air pollution consist of 0.4 per 100,000 capita per year. Next to that the country consists of 68.9% forest area and 15% protected terrestrial or marine area. Sweden discards 446.505 kg of waste per capita. Even though, this amount is higher than the amount of waste in Turkey, Sweden is doing much better on all the other metrics.


2. Finland and France


Finland shares second place with France with a score of 3.5/10.


Finland’s carbon dioxide emissions are 8.28 tonnes per capita per year. The PM2.5 concentrations are 7 µg/m3 per year in relation to 6 deaths per 100,000 capita per year. Finland consists of 73.1% forest area and 14.2% protected terrestrial and marine area. The waste discarded each year amounts to 502.974 kg per capita.




For France, carbon dioxide emissions are 4.38 tonnes per capita per year.


The concentrations of PM2.5 are 12 µg/m3 per year next to an amount of 17 deaths per 100,000 capita per year attributable to air pollution. France consists of 31% forest area and 33.2% protected terrestrial and marine area. The amount of waste discarded each year is 512.498 kg per capita.


Provided that France is one of the leading countries in terms renewable energy solutions, like solar panel installations, it should come as no surprise that they are ranking in the top of our list.


The UK vs. Europe


The UK takes a middle standpoint with and overall score of 4.3/10, which is 0.25 better than the European average. The comparison within the particular metrics is presented in the table below:

UK vs. the Europe’s Average
MetricUK’s ResultEurope’s Average
Carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (tCO2/capita/year)5.656.70
Annual mean concentration of PM2.5 in urban areas (ug/m3)11.0013.36
Deaths attributable to air pollution, per 100,000 capita per year (crude rate)26.0035.00
Waste (kg/capita/year)481.59500.90
Forest area (% of total land)13.0034.40
Forest and marine protected area (% of total land)28.8022.01

Additionally, here’s a green region checker tool that you can use if you want to find out how green is your region in the UK.


Read more: World’s Greenest Countries


The Top 5 Most and Least Polluted Countries per Metric


The overall results show that Turkey performs the worst and Sweden performs the best. Yet, each country performs differently per metric.


CO2 emissions are the highest for Luxembourg with 14.51 tonnes per capita and the lowest for Latvia with a 3.47 tonnes per capita.


Turkey ranks the highest for air pollution with a 41 μg/m3 where Sweden has the lowest value of 6 μg/m3. The World Health Organization guideline limits the annual mean of PM2.5 concentrations at 10 μg/m3.


Latvia has the highest death rate attributable to air pollution with a 91 per 100,000 capita while Sweden has a death rate of 0.4 per 100,000 capita.


Denmark discards the most waste with an amount of 779 kg per capita per year where Poland discards less than half with an amount of 305 kg per capita each year.


Iceland has the lowest percentage of forest area with 0.5% of the total land compared to Finland that consists of 73.1% forest area.




Data for this project was obtained from World Health Organisation, International Energy Agency, and Data Worldbank.


To find the most polluted countries in the EU, 24 member states of the EU and the UK were analysed based on 7 metrics. The reason for analysing only 24 member states is due to the missing data for some countries. The following metrics were used in the analysis:

  • Yearly carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion per capita
  • Annual mean concentrations of PM2.5 in urban areas
  • Yearly deaths attributable to air pollution per 100,000 capita
  • The quality of designated drinking water sources
  • Yearly amount of waste per capita
  • Forest area as % of total land
  • Terrestrial and marine protected area as % of total land

Of these metrics, carbon dioxide emissions, mean concentrations of PM2.5, and deaths attributable to air pollution were weighted double. The reason is that carbon dioxide is the main and most harmful pollutant that is warming Earth. After which, the pollutant PM2.5 poses the greatest health risks to people which in relation to the deaths attributable to air pollution emphasize the extreme consequence of pollution.




Yearly Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Fuel Combustion


This metric represents the yearly share of CO2 emissions that an individual produces via fuel combustion. The tons of CO2 emissions per capita per year.


Annual Mean Concentrations of PM2.5 in Urban Areas


PM2.5 poses the greatest health risks out of all pollutants. PM2.5 is the name of a Particulate Matter with a diameter of 2.5 μm. Because of the smalls size of this particulate matter, it can easily be breathed in through the nose and throat after which it can penetrate deep into the lungs and sometimes even enter the circulatory system. WHO has an annual guideline limit of 10 μg/m3.


This metric indicates the annual mean concentrations of PM2.5 (μg/m3) in urban areas since the concentrations of PM2.5 pollution are the highest there.


Deaths Attributable to Air Pollution


This study uses the crude rate (per 100,000 capita) which shows the deaths attributable to air pollution per year.


The Quality of Designated Drinking Water Sources


Drinking water is an important measure for pollution since we cannot live without water. Overall, drinking water sources in Europe are good, and the water is clean and safe to consume. However, in some countries its quality is lower than in the others.


Waste per Capita


This measure shows the amount of waste in kilograms that is discarded each year per individual.


Forest Areas


Vegetation is a good compensation measure for most pollution. The most clear way to show the level of vegetation per country is the percentage of forest areas of the total land of a country.


Terrestrial and Marine Protected Area


A country can have a lot of forest or vegetation areas but if these aren’t protected than these can be removed.



\n","lastUpdated":"10 February 2023","topBanner":null,"pageHeader":{"title":"Making the UK greener, one house at a time","type":"text","subtitle":"","media_type":"testimonials"},"breadcrumbs":{"0":{"name":"GreenMatch","url":"//"},"1":{"name":"Blog","url":"//"},"4":{"name":"Mapped: Europe’s Most and Least Polluted Countries","url":null}},"authors":[],"relatedArticles":[{"id":29207,"url":"//","image":"","title":"Find a Green Energy Tariff vol. 1"},{"id":29209,"url":"//","image":"","title":"Find a Green Energy Tariff vol. 2"},{"id":29218,"url":"//","image":"","title":"Guide: Is Economy 7 The Best Saving Solution?"},{"id":29250,"url":"//","image":"","title":"The Green Deal – All You Need To Know"}],"subPages":[],"topPages":[],"hideMoreOnThisTopic":false,"hideItsThatEasy":false,"hideBecomeAPartner":false,"hideContentHeader":false,"guideLinks":[{"title":"Interactive Map","link":"Map"},{"title":"Overall Results","link":"Most"},{"title":"UK vs. the Rest of Europe","link":"UK"},{"title":"Top 5 Most and Least Polluted Countries per Metric","link":"Top-Metric"},{"title":"Methodology and Dimensions","link":"Methodology"},{"title":"Dataset","link":"Dataset"}]},"url":"/blog/2018/11/mapped-europes-most-and-least-polluted-countries","version":"a0089c9c8d397ad636ca5d57e901096b"}">




  • 燃料燃烧排放的二氧化碳
  • 在城市地区PM2.5浓度
  • 人死于空气污染
  • 指定的饮用水源质量
  • 数量的浪费
  • 森林面积
  • 陆地和海洋保护区









土耳其是欧洲污染最严重的国家以总分的6.1/10。有几个参数,导致这一结论。至于空气在土耳其,二氧化碳污染4.33吨人均每年,的浓度PM2.541µg / m3。关于这个,有44人死亡。由于空气污染每年每100000人。为了弥补污染,土耳其只包含15.2%森林面积和刚刚0.2%保护陆地或海洋区域。土耳其丢弃424.625公斤每年人均浪费。



波兰需要以总分第二名5.5/10。波兰的二氧化碳排放7.63吨人均每年,高于土耳其获胜者。的浓度PM2.522µg / m3几乎一半的土耳其的浓度。有69人死亡由于空气污染每年每100000人。波兰的30.8%森林面积和38.10%保护陆地和海洋区域。每年,波兰丢弃的公民304.9公斤人均浪费。



拉脱维亚成绩密切5.4/10在波兰。二氧化碳排放量3.47吨人均每年的最低数量的所有国家在这项研究中。旁边的浓度PM2.514µg / m3最多的死亡由于空气污染91年每年每100000人。每年浪费丢弃407.2公斤人均。




国家是污染最少的一个瑞典总分的2.8/10。二氧化碳的数量3.83吨人均每年,的浓度PM2.56µg / m3。的死亡由于空气污染包括0.4每年每100000人。这个国家由旁边68.9%森林面积和15%保护陆地或海洋区域。瑞典丢弃446.505公斤人均浪费。虽然,这一数量是高于垃圾数量在土耳其,瑞典是所有其他指标上做的更好。




芬兰的二氧化碳排放量8.28吨人均每年。的PM2.5浓度7µg / m3每年的关系6人死亡每年每100000人。芬兰的73.1%森林面积和14.2%保护陆地和海洋区域。每年浪费丢弃数量502.974公斤人均。



的浓度PM2.512µg / m3每年的旁边17人死亡每100000人每年人均归因于空气污染。法国由31%森林面积和33.2%保护陆地和海洋区域。垃圾数量每年丢弃512.498公斤人均。




度规 英国的结果 欧洲的平均
燃料燃烧排放的二氧化碳(tCO2 /人/年) 5.65 6.70
年平均浓度的PM2.5在城市地区(ug / m3) 11.00 13.36
人死于空气污染,每年每100000人(原油) 26.00 35.00
浪费(公斤/人/年) 481.59 500.90
总土地的森林面积(%) 13.00 34.40
总土地的森林和海洋保护区(%) 28.80 22.01







土耳其排名最高的空气污染41μg / m3在哪里瑞典的最小值6μg /立方米。世界卫生组织指导原则限制的年平均PM2.5浓度在10μg /立方米











  • 每年人均二氧化碳排放量从燃料燃烧
  • 年平均浓度的PM2.5在城市地区
  • 每年每100000人死于空气污染
  • 指定的饮用水源的质量
  • 每年人均垃圾数量
  • 森林面积的土地总量的%
  • 陆地和海洋保护区土地总量的%





PM2.5构成了最大的健康风险的污染物。PM2.5的名字是颗粒物的直径2.5μm。因为smalls大小的颗粒物质,它可以很容易地通过鼻子和喉咙吸入之后,它可以渗透到肺部深处,有时甚至进入循环系统。世卫组织年度方针10μg / m3的极限。

这个指标表明PM2.5的年平均浓度(μg / m3)在城市地区由于PM2.5污染的浓度是最高的。













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